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Showing posts from January, 2019

FREE MARKET COMMUNISM (yes, you read that right)

                                                   Mutualism, communism with free markets and fair trade. Because of this it supports alternative currencies, like labor notes, or mutual credit. And is where I believe reasonable “Anarcho-communists” and “Anarcho-capitalists" alike can come together. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, was the first person on record to identify as an “Anarchist” and coiner of the term “Mutualism”. Now “Ancaps” are likely to reject the idea of “public ownership” and “Ancoms” will have their own problems with “alternative currencies”. But if there is any ideology that could be a common ground between Ancaps and Ancoms alike, It’s Mutualism, It’s free market communism. Now I've long thought that the free market is an economic tool that can be utilized on ether side of the communist capitalist spectrum. A lot of people though seem to think (and say) that it is exclusively capitalist. This is why I was overjoyed when I found out about “economic mutualism”. M