The system, what is it? Culture, economics and society at large. This question comes up for me sometimes. Now people seem to have this idea that systemic blame is not helpful or meaningless, laughable, conspiracy bullshit. But I take the opposite perspective. I would say that individual blame is meaningless and that you can’t do anything from that perspective, however recognizing that the system influences all of our lives in countless ways, at-least gives us a place to start, a problem to fix, But if it’s all just individual choice what do you do? What can you do? Wish upon a star that people will just do better, but like cdp grey said, that’s a terrible solution every-time. I want to build a society, a system that incentives people to do better, and allows people to be the best they can be. Cultural expectation certainly plays a big role in who we are and what we do. Gentlemen have historically been expected to be the breadwinner. Women have historical...
Proudhonian-Owenite, Artist, & Self proclaimed scholar