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Showing posts from March, 2023

Democracy, Anarchy, Equality & Liberty

Recently I read a symposium from the C4SS (Center for a Stateless Society) entitled "Anarchy & Democracy". This work was a collection of articles by both pro and anti democracy anarchists. I think both made some good points and some bad ones. First democracy is a tool not a political system in and of itself, this is something neither side seemed to understand, second the phrase rule of all by all was said quite a few times, but never really explained, and often used interchangeably with majority rule. First I think it is crucial to explain democracy as I understand it. Democracy is voting and electoralism. Translated as “rule of the people”. But what people? Many may say authoritarian regimes like North Korea are not democratic, but this is not entirely accurate. North Korea is democratic, it is just very restrictive on who can vote. Rule by the people that are high ranking party officials, if you will. Every country has some restrictions on who can vote, some are just ...