In this article I am going to talk about one of the most oppressed demographics of all time, A demographic who continues to be oppressed, enslaved and controlled under the guise of “taking care of” and “for their own good”. Arguments that I’m sure are familiar to any anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-oppression advocate for liberty. Though it seems no one is focused on the liberation of this demographic, it is ignored. Plenty of people advocate black rights, women's rights, queer rights, animal rights and even the bullshit “parents rights” but everyone forgets the children. Sure people love to scream “won’t somebody please think of the children” but no one seems interested in advocating for their rights as the autonomous agents that they are. Children are human beings and they ought be treated as such, and it’s about time someone talks about this demographic and the rights that they have been denied for too damn long. To start, let's talk about the bullshit that is ...
Proudhonian-Owenite, Artist, & Self proclaimed scholar