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I am a hedonist. But not just a hedonist, I am a presuppositional hedonist. Meaning that I start with the assumption that you, yes you, are a hedonist as well, whether you realize it or not. Hedonism is seeking pleasure as the highest good. If you think you don’t do that, then allow me to convince you. Pleasure is, simply put “feeling good”. The things you like make you feel good (or bring you pleasure). Now think about all the things you like, then tell me whats better. No I do not mean “rank your likes” I mean what is better (or a higher good to you) than EVERYTHING you like? I am essentially talking about “psychological egoism”. It posits that everything we do is driven by self interest, inevitably. And this to me seems to be pragmatically demonstrable, pretty basic, and accounted for in nature. Now this is natural and inevitable. But so is altruism and synergy.
A social species has evolved to interact, come together, and unify with others. Helping out in a mutually beneficial way. That's altruism, and that allows for something far greater than any individual could ever be. That’s synergy. Simply put we help each-other (altruism) because it is in our own best interest (egoism) and that creates a collective (synergy). This is why I am a collectivist. It is obvious to me that what is best for ALL individuals is more important than what is best for just ONE individual. I believe it was put best by a mob-guy in the 2007 movie “American Gangster”, he said “there always has to be order, more important than any one mans life is order”. Now you might be wondering what this has to do with pleasure. Well utilitarianism, which is all about maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. Because I am a hedonist, I want to experience pleasure and avoid pain, but I want that for you too. I want that for everyone, and that's why I am a utilitarian as well.
I want to stress this idea is fundamentally different than “the invisible hand”. The invisible hand posits that when you work in your own best interest, you will inherently benefit everyone. Psychological egoism posits that we work to benefit others, because it is in our own best interest. This may sound similar, but the distinction is crucial, Because the invisible hand is indistinguishable from luck. It ignores the concept of selflessness, psychological egoism just says selflessness is selfish.
Now I want to encourage each and everyone of you to live like the hedonist that you are. Seek pleasure, avoid pain, and help others seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is the recipe for well-being. Live your life for pleasure, help the collective maximize it. Work against pain. Don’t ever start to think that pleasure is bad or pain is good. Pleasure is always good, all the time. Pain is always bad, all the time. Love pleasure. Hate pain. Be a utilitarian. And remember that Eric Cartman quote from Southpark, “life goes by pretty fast and if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, and do what ever you want, all the time, you could miss it.


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