So the other day, I was watching videos about corporatism, you know, as one does. And I started watching a video that was explaining it correctly. And well I had a funny feeling. I know corporatism has association with fascism, they were getting it right, and NOBODY gets it right, I knew they were either fascists or anarchists. And I was really hoping for the latter. So I looked them up online, and they are fascists. No this isn't just the left calling everyone a fascist, I wish it was. I am not talking about Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, or Donald Trump. I am talking about actual Mussolini is a god, liberty sucks, tripartism is awesome fascists. And tripartism is pretty cool, so they got, well more than we’d like to admit. Fascism is fundamentally flawed, however misunderstood, and that’s putting it lightly. However we do a great disservice when we do not acknowledge the “attractive rhetoric” and why it’s so attractive. Things like unity, collectivism, corporatism and class colla...
Proudhonian-Owenite, Artist, & Self proclaimed scholar