So the other day, I
was watching videos about corporatism, you know, as one does. And I
started watching a video that was explaining it correctly. And well I
had a funny feeling. I know corporatism has association with fascism,
they were getting it right, and NOBODY gets it right, I knew they
were either fascists or anarchists. And I was really hoping for the
latter. So I looked them up online, and they are fascists. No this
isn't just the left calling everyone a fascist, I wish it was. I am
not talking about Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, or Donald Trump. I am
talking about actual Mussolini is a god, liberty sucks, tripartism is
awesome fascists. And tripartism is pretty cool, so they got, well
more than we’d like to admit. Fascism is fundamentally flawed,
however misunderstood, and that’s putting it lightly. However we do
a great disservice when we do not acknowledge the “attractive
rhetoric” and why it’s so attractive. Things like unity,
collectivism, corporatism and class collaboration. These good ideas
sprinkled on top of ultra-nationalist, authoritarian bullshit. And
again I am NOT talking about standard right-wingers everyone’s
calling fascist now, like your Donald Trumps and Steven Crowders. Who
I am talking about there’s no debate to be had because they’ve
settled it, by saying straight up,”we are fascists”. Now I have
decided not to use the name of the group. I don’t want to give them
anymore attention, even for the 6 or 7 people that may read this
(high estimate) that is 6 or 7 people that probably don’t know the
name of the group, and shouldn't. I didn’t even follow them on
twitter, I follow Kent Hovind on twitter, and all the right wingers I
mentioned above. But this is serious, not that the group is a major
threat, but that we are all focused on the wrong thing, and we won’t
be ready.
Now the figure that
is most associated with fascism is the first problem. Adolf Hitler,
people will think of. And we’re all prepared to debunk Hitler
apologetics. We all know about his atrocity's. But Benito Mussolini,
the father of fascism, and a lot less well known. But I scanned the
website and twitter of these fascists and not a single Hitler
mention, Not even a dog-whistle. But Mussolini is apparently a god
who died a hero at the hands of dirty commies, and we must make sure
that great men like him did not die in vain. Although, must we?
Benito Mussolini
was born in 1883. He was a trouble maker who loved his Catholic mom
very much, and worked a lot with his atheist/socialist father. He
attended numerous schools, boarding, religious, secular, all kinds.
He completed school with a very poor education. Though he was
considered good looking, and often attracted married women, which led
to fights with husbands. At some point he raped two women and stated
he would have strangled them to death had they struggled. He joined
the socialist party and wrote a lot of socialist articles. Though
after world war 1 started Mussolini initially being against it, was
denounced by the socialist party after his position on WW1 changed.
Mussolini soon joined the royal Italian army once again and started
the fasci. (Italian for “bundle”, from Latin for “bundle of
sticks”) This is the origins of the term fascism and it’s symbol.
Mussolini led numerous battles and genocides domestically in Italy,
Until impressing the king, consolidating power as the Prime Minister,
starting “the grand council of fascism”, installing a fascist
majority, before moving on to the mass genocide of Ethiopia.
Adolf Hitler was a
big fan of Mussolini, as he rescued him from detainment, refused to
let him retire, and installed him as “puppet dictator” of a
region where he was vehemently hated, before being killed, strung up,
and brutalized, by communists (that parts true). This was simplified
but accurate. My point in writing this is to make clear the
misunderstandings about fascism. Starting with it’s father, and
ending on a couple of other things.
The fascists now
people think are different, but, that’s not entirely accurate. The
core ideas remain the same. Fascists now, are anti-capitalist and
anti-communist, just like fascists then. Mussolini rejected
egalitarianism and class conflict, and was therefore at odds with
socialists. But he never liked capitalism, he liked tripartism, and
class collaboration. And he was right too. We need to acknowledge
what fascists get right, and fight what they get wrong. The
dictatorial power and corporatism, which can clearly not work
together because you couldn’t reasonably expect ONE person, to be
an expert on EVERYTHING. And that's another thing, corporatism, WHY
are fascists the only ones that get it right? Are fascists really the
only ones that do their research? If it comes down to it, as things
stand now, WE WILL LOOSE. Now, again, my point is not to fear monger,
my point is to express mistakes made about fascists. The fascists
that I'm talking about for example, reject the “American Nazi
party”, and I imagine were just sitting on the sidelines laughing
during Charlottesville. So lets stop saying things like “fascists
are capitalists” or using it interchangeably with conservative or
racist. Lets stop supporting Antifa, breaking windows won’t help,
punching Nazis is meaningless, and if covering internet assholes with
milkshakes is the best we can do, then we gonna loose. Call it out,
condemn it, watch it, learn from it, organize like it, and, I've
quoted this before, “Live although the world were as it should be
to show it what it can be”.
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