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Showing posts from September, 2019

A Socialist Worth Remembering

                                                                              Robert Owen, a socialist worth remembering. He was born in 1771, and became a wealthy textile manager and investor. He was also the founder of Utopian socialism, the cooperative movement, and original advocate for the 8 hour work day. 8 hours work, 8 hours recreation, 8 hours rest, that saying, that one's his. He also advocated for free childhood education, and the outlawing of child labor. He was a form of determinist, and therefore believed people should not be praised nor blamed for anything, as whatever happened is a result of ...

Life, Death, and Abortion

I am pro-life, I have been for as long as I can remember. Though my opinions on abortion in particular have changed over the years, I still consider myself pro-life. The reason is simply that I prefer life to death in any situation. I have expressed this in past articles, but here and now I will fully address my positions on this topic. Please be aware this may get dark or disturbing in some parts or examples. Reader discretion is advised. I think abortion is murder. This, for many years was my one point of agreement with christian conservative types. I thought of abortion as murder and thought that was enough to support the banning of it. Though there are many forms of murder. Like bashing a babies head in with a brick, Form of murder, though different than abortion no one would disagree. It is more brutal, bloody and outlawing it would not overall increase death rates. I’ll explain. When people feel a need to get an abortion, the legality of it will not change that. So if it is ...